Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) anti-smuggling squads has intercepted Christmas alcohol to the tune of K700, 000 in taxes.
ZRA Corporate and Communications Manager Topsy Sikalinda said the elite anti-smuggling squads working together with customs officers from Chirundu boarder intercepted three trucks in different locations with alcohol believed to be meant for Christmas celebrations.
Mr Sikalinda said two trucks were intercepted in Chirundu after the border town with forged documents purporting to be carrying various furniture fittings.
He said one of the trucks was intercepted in the southern province on the new bottom road off Siavonga where it was found offloading into two canter trucks and two small buses.
“These are pure cases of forgery, contrary to the customs and excise act Chapter 322 of the laws of Zambia. We want to make it very clear to the owners of these consignments that this is a straight seizure, and we shall recommend for forfeiture of both the goods & trucks to the state, “he said.

“Going forward, the authority has resolved to ensure smugglers are prosecuted instead of being charged penalties. ZRA has since decentralized all the elite anti-smuggling teams in all major routes country as a permanent feature going forward. The officers are already on the ground in their permanent operational areas and we hope smuggling will now be brought to the lowest possible levels,” he said.
This is contained in a press statement made available The Independent Observer.