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ZMSA given a go-head

The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has directed the Zambia Motor Sport Association (ZMSA) to lift the suspension on spinning and drifting motor sport events on condition that all safety standards are followed in totality.

Last year, RTSA directed ZMSA to suspend all spinning and drifting motor sport events until safety standards are improved.

This was after a male spectator was killed when the driver taking part in the sporting event lost control of the vehicle and raced off the course crashing into a group of spectators at National Sports Development Centre in Lusaka.

RTSA head of public relations Fredrick Mubanga said that all spinning and drifting motor sport events will only take off after inspection and approval of the racing course and the surrounding environment for the safety of the participants.

Mr Mubanga said under no circumstances shall any event proceed without approval and presence of the RTSA.

“Similarly, as part of the required standards, the race course must be fenced with a concrete barrier of 1.5 to 2 meters safety fence erected on top to protect and secure the safety of spectators.

Last week, the RTSA conducted an inspection of a race course in Lusaka which revealed various safety measures put in place guaranteeing safety for spectators at spinning and drifting motor sport events,” he said.

Mr Mubanga said the Agency in collaboration with stakeholders led by ZMSA developed guidelines for Safe Use of Public Roads, Speedways, and Race-course by Motor Clubs in Zambia

“The Agency is mandated under Section Four (4), Sub-Section two (2) of the Road Traffic Act No.11 of 2002, to provide guidelines for the safe use of public roads, Speedways and Race-course by Motor Club,” he said.