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ZIPS signs an MoU with ZIHRM

The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) and Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (ZIHRM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a framework for recruitment of qualified personnel.

The MoU is for respective jobs, workshops, capacity building training and collaborated fund rising activities.

ZIPS President Chibwe Mwelwa said that the agreement between the two institutions will bring about the solution to one of the most problematic recruitment processes for the development of the nation.

He also said that the supply Chain function was the mainstay ingredient for well-being of any organization or country and essential requirement for the realization of value for money in the spending agencies of both private and public organizations.

Mr Mwelwa called upon all procurement and stores professionals in Zambia to remain resolute in conducting all the Procurements and Stores functions in a transparent, efficient, economic and corrupt free environment.

He said it was not a secret that procurement function was the wheels on which governments ride on and the fulcrum on which development of both public and private companies depended on.

Mr Mwelwa said the benefits mentioned would not be realized unless the players in the procurement process deliberately applied themselves and conducted the procurement process premised completely on the prudent management and value addition processes.

ZIHRM President Mooka Silumbu said that ZIRHM plays a critical role in the development of the nation particularly in the improvement of productivity in all organizations in the country.

Mr Silumbu said it was important to have right qualified persons heading and carrying out the supply chain function.

He also said that this MOU was a breath of fresh air as it will seek to bring about sanity in both professions.