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Zip-BCC hands back Kasumbalesa facilities to Govt

Zambia Intellectual Property-Border Crossing Corporation  (Zip-BCC) the Concessionaire for the Kasumbalesa Facilities has handed back the Kasumbalesa Facilities to Government (ZRA) after the elapse of the 12 years concession.

Speaking at the Handback Ceremony, Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry, Chipoka Mulenga who is also the Acting Minister of Finance and National Planning has assured workers contracted under the Concessioner that no one will lose their jobs after the Hand back.

Mr Mulenga also said that Government is this year working on a frame work to create an Export Zone to answer the outcry of Zambians to do business favorably with the neighboring market.

He said that government will begin to construct modern infrastructure at Kasumbalesa border and other border posts in the country.

And Chililabombwe Mayor Lucky Sichone congratulated Government on the successful implementation and smooth transition of the Public, Private Partnership (PPP) model.

Mr Sichone said there is need to reinforce and regulate security at the border post so that the economic benefits of the area are maximized

He said that the Local Authority must be assisted by the Central Government to remain the only levying authority on approved legal fees and charges unlike the illegal levy collections that is being perpetuated anyhow at the border post.

The Mayor has appealed to Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to assist the Council in integrating collections of Truck Levy on an agreed commission basis to improve service provision in the district.

Meanwhile, Chililabombwe Member of Parliament Paul  Kabuswe who is also Minister of Mines and Minerals expressed gratitude toward Zip-BCC for their Corporate Social Responsibility contribution to the district and the nation at large.

And speaking of behalf of Zip-BCC, the Concessionaire representative called on ZRA to freely access and engage them on any matter relating to running of the Kasumbalesa Facilities.