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The Independent Observer > OS > ZICTA should own up

ZICTA should own up

The announcement by ZICTA that they plan to re-do Sim registration leaves a lot of grey areas that need to be explained to us before the re-registration kicks off.
The tendency in Zambia of always informing the nation of what is to be implemented without telling the nation the failures and challenges of the previous implementation and the advantages of the later is very worrying.
This is what actually brings a lot of rumour mongering in our nation.
To me I feel  ZICTA should tell the nation the challenges it encountered in the last sim registration and what measures have been put in place not to repeat the same.
Has ZICTA invested in its software management? We have of course seen lately how a lot of people have been swindled out of their hard earned money through bogus mobile money transactions.
So, before ZICTA embarks on new sim re-registration, it should go flat out informing and sensitizing the nation on the challenges they faced with the last sim registration and what will be the advantages of the proposed yet to be embarked on registration.
This is because it doesn’t come at no cost.
Wisdom Muyunda


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