Zesco customers have accused the power utility firm of lacking proper rationale when it comes to the export of power.
But Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu has said the currently load management affecting the northern part of Zambia are temporal necessitated by system upgrade.
Zesco customer based on the Copperbelt Ruth Mulenga posted on her Facebook wall wondering the logic of Zesco exporting power to Malawi.
“Zesco graduates from importing to exporting power – Zambia Daily Mail. Where is the logic in all this when the country is experiencing loading shedding in some parts of the country?” she asked.
Zesco Managing Director Victor Mundende yesterday signed a power supply agreement of 20mva between Zesco of Zambia and Escom of Malawi at intercontinental hotel.

In the power agreement Zesco will supply up to 20MVA of power to Escom for a period of 5 years.
But Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu said the current load management in the northern part of Zambia were simply necessitated by system upgrade at Leopards Hill where Zesco is upgrading the gear switch.
Ms Zulu said after the maintenance works power supply would be restored to normal.