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ZCTU welcomes privatization inquiry

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions says the inquiry into the Privatization of Zambian companies will finally put to rest the questions that have been raised by Zambians in a long time.

Speaking in an interview, ZCTU President Chishimba Nkole said the inquiry will put to rest questions raised by the public.

Mr Nkole said people who are entrusted with public resources must be held accountable regardless of how long it has taken to do so.

Mr Nkole said the inquiry is in line with the democratic principles where people are obligated to explain what transpired to put the matter to rest.

He said if the issue of privatization is not dealt with now, it will continue to come in future hence wasting time in debating whether what is been said really happened.

‘’ No one is been accused now of stealing all what people are saying is that come out and make people understand what really transpired. This part of democracy even issues that happened 50 years ago can be asked to be explained,’’ he said.

He said once this issue is sorted they will be fear in people entrusted with managing public resources adding that this will make people handle funds prudently.

Mr Nkole dismissed assertions by some sector in society that they the call for an enquiry is merely a witch hunt targeted at an individual.

Meanwhile Mr Nkole said the union is happy by the number of steps taken by the political parties to start the dialogue process adding that the step taken will give hope and confidence to the workers and people in the country.

He said the gesture by political leaders to open talks with each other is progressive and needs the support of everyone one.

Mr Nkole however condemned the culture of insults which engulfed the political front in the recent past that posed a threat to the Zambian democracy.

He noted that ZCTU will always encourage honest, robust public policy debates as opposed to condemning and questioning of each other integrity which he said was reactionary and undemocratic.

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