Kamanga said there is need for a strong and sound league system that will run separately from the association.
“We are looking at introducing district and provincial leagues as a way of casting the net wider than the traditional ‘Line of Rail’ concentration. This will culminate into us having developmental district and provincial teams from under 11 years for both male and female. The league will be professionally run [but] separate from FAZ with its own secretariat,” he said.
Kamanga said the local game was headed for greater heights.
“Our foundation is solid, our vision is attainable and the game of soccer is headed for greater heights in the coming years. I ran for the office of FAZ president on a vision of developing the sport that we all love. I shared the ‘SCORE’ acronym which highlighted my priority for the game,” he posted on his Facebook page.

“Today I want to zero in on the first letter; S – Structure of the League. For Zambian football to attain any height, we must have a strong and sound football league system that will run separately from the FA. To that effect, we have started the process of de-linking the running of the league from FAZ and the re-introduction of youth developmental teams.”