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Zambian man dies in the Russia-Ukraine war

A 23-year-old Zambian student who was studying nuclear engineering in Russia has died while fighting in Ukraine.

Nathan Nyirenda, who was studying at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, died on September 22nd, 2022.

Foreign Affairs and International Corporation Minister Stanley Kakubo has disclosed at a press briefing in Lusaka today that Mr Nyirenda was in April 2020 convicted of drug possession and sentenced to nine years and six months imprisonment.

Mr Kakubo said the Zambian government has written to the Russian government to explain how Mr Nyirenda who was serving his sentence in a jail in Moscow, was recruited and sent to fight in the battle front in Ukraine.

Mr Kakubo said he has visited the family of the deceased and will communicate further details once the Russian authorities furnish Zambia with more details on circumstances surrounding the death.

Mr Kakubo also said the remains of Mr Nyirenda have been transported to the Russian city of Rostov in preparation for repatriation to Zambia.