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The Independent Observer > Business > Zambian Govt must ban Sheesha

Zambian Govt must ban Sheesha

Dear Editor,

I write to ask Government to ban the importation of hazardous puffing staff called Sheesha.

Sheesha is a mixture of tobacco and fruits.

It hass life span of two years after production without using it and six months in use.

Is our Government aware that smoking sheesha for 60 minutes is equivalent to smoking more than 100 sticks of tobacco?

Is our Government area that that sheesha causes cancer, heart diseases among many more problems?

Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda have banned importation and smoking of sheesha.

Lusaka appears outgoing when in fact not. They are busy puffing the killer smoke.

Sadly Sheesha is in Chingola and one of the bar outlet at Mwaiseni has the killer smoke.

Nkweto Kasonko


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