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The Independent Observer > Sports > Zambian football in ICU now-Analyst

Zambian football in ICU now-Analyst

The pro-Kalusha Bwalya Copperbelt based soccer analyst Godfrey Chikumbi says Zambian football is in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Chikumbi has attributed the ailing soccer standards to tyrant way of managing football by Football Association (FAZ) president Andrew Kamanga.

Appearing live on his Facebook wall, Chikumbi said Kamanga has killed football because he wants everything to evolve around him and not the players.

“Certain decisions require meditation but we wonder how the Kamanga led executive arrived at the decision of restructuring Zambian league into two. We have 20 teams in the premier league, how can we divide these into two?

“The other worst decision is that of changing opening the season to January. In case Kamanga has forgotten, January is rainy season in Zambia and all pitches are water logged. The possibility of having no fun at the stadium is very high because already, the funs turn out is very poor. What more on a rainy day?” he asked.

He said the problem of Zambian soccer administrators is that they want to steal the lime light of the players; no wonder the Football House is a hype of activities not players or clubs.

“We need a paradigm shift and not where the current crop of the administrators want Zambian league to be decided on play off,” he said.

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