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The Independent Observer > News > Zambian Embassy in Addis Ababa to build new chancery

Zambian Embassy in Addis Ababa to build new chancery

Government is constructing a new chancery building in Addis-Ababa Ethiopia to replace the old one purchased in the 1960s.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba disclosed this when he toured other foreign mission’s building new chanceries in Addis Ababa.

Mr Mwamba said relevant departments in Zambia had completed approvals of the plans for the new chancery building and funds have since been sourced for the construction of the project.

He said Zambia had a historical role in Addis Ababa in helping shape the African agenda at the African Union.

He said his tour was to seek understanding of quality and the duration of completing projects in Ethiopia as foreign based contractors were not permitted in the construction sector.

And speaking when he met Djibouti’s ambassador to Ethiopia Mohamed Idris Farah, Mr Mwamba who is also accredited to Djibouti said the two countries shared mutual historical cooperation.

Mr Mwamba said Djibouti has been instrumental in protecting international maritime trade and hosts several foreign military bases from various countries.

This is according to a media statement by First Secretary for Press and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Ethiopia Mupango Mwanza.

Chancery (diplomacy) is the building that houses a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy.


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