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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Zambia Police service concerned over Mob Justice

Zambia Police service concerned over Mob Justice

The Zambia Police Service is deeply concerned with the recent incident of mob justice that has occurred in Mulimba Village of Shibuyunji District where two persons have been burnt to death on allegations of cattle rustling.

Brief facts of this matter are that Police received a report of suspected murder in which two people named Remy Mwiinga aged 45 and Benny Ngwiliza aged 29 were murdered by a mob in Mulimba village.

This occurred today, October 2, 2023 at around 02:00 hours,when a group of people came across a truck loaded with cattle they suspected to have been stolen, with four suspects on board in Mulimba village of Shibuyunji.

Immediately, the suspects noticed the group of people they decided to run away from the scene abandoning the vehicle. Two suspects were caught in the process and burnt to death.

The two survivors both of Chilanda Village namely Enerst Siziba aged 43, the owner of the Volvo truck registration number CAA 5837 and Isaac Paraza aged 28 a driver for the truck are in police custody. Police have instituted investigations into the matter.

Mob justice, also known as vigilante justice, refers to the act of individuals or groups taking the law into their own hands to administer punishment to alleged wrongdoers without due process.

While we understand the frustration and anger that can result from criminal activities, we want to emphasize that mob justice is not only illegal but also poses serious risks to the safety and well-being of our residents.

Our commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all is unwavering. We believe that every individual is entitled to a fair and impartial trial, and that the justice system is the appropriate avenue for addressing alleged crimes. Mob justice not only violates the principles of due process but can also lead to innocent people being wrongly accused and harmed.

We urge residents of Mulimba Village and the general public to refrain from engaging in mob justice and instead report suspected criminal activities to the nearest Police station or other relevant law enforcement agencies. We are here to serve and protect, and we will investigate all reported incidents thoroughly, ensuring that justice is served in accordance with the law.

The dangers of mob justice are numerous, including the risk of violence, injury, and even loss of life as has been in this incident. Furthermore, it undermines the credibility and effectiveness of our criminal justice system, making it harder to achieve justice for all.

We are committed to working closely with community leaders, organizations, and citizenry to address the underlying issues that may contribute to mob justice, such as concerns about crime and safety. Together, we can create a safer and more just community for everyone.

In conclusion, we reiterate that mob justice has no place in our society. We call on all residents to collaborate with us in upholding the law and ensuring that justice is served through legal means.

We remain dedicated to our mandate of protecting and serving the community, and we are always ready to respond to your concerns.

For further information or to report suspicious activities, please report to the nearest Police Station in your jurisdiction.
Rae Hamoonga