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The Independent Observer > Business > Zambia Police opens docket against Airtel Zambia

Zambia Police opens docket against Airtel Zambia

By Kanchele Kanchele
Zambia Police Service have opened a Criminal docket against Airtel Networks Zambia one of the country’s biggest mobile phone service provider. 

This follows the successful lodging of a complaint by Lusaka based Journalist Thomas Allan Zgambo.

Mr Zgambo alleges that former Special Assistant to Late President Michael Sata, George Chellah and other private citizen including Airtel employees did divert his telephone data to fictitious numbers in the name of Evaristo Phiri.

He says it has taken him close to four years to investigate this case.

Mr Zgambo says the docket was opened after Attorney General Likando Kalaluka assured him that government had nothing to do with the interception of messages.

“It has not been easy to open the docket because the Police were adamant to do so as they also believed it was a government assignment until the letter from the Attorney General was made available to them.

”I warnAirtel to stay away from moves to bribe any member of the executive or the Judiciary because I’m aware of what the board meeting last Friday decided,” he said.

Early this year Director of Public Prosecutions Lilian Shawa Siyuni allowed Mr Zgambo to Co Prosecute the matter under Private Prosecution. See attached documents.

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