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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Zambia has many hindrances to press freedom-Fr Simatende

Zambia has many hindrances to press freedom-Fr Simatende

Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) says the country has several hindrances to press freedom that need urgent attention.

MISA Zambia Chapter Chairperson Fr Barnabas Simatende said that Zambia has a long way to go before as a long way to go before attaining press freedom.

“The cyber law for example needs clarification before it completely kills off citizen journalism and that the access to information bill needs enactment for journalists and the public to access information without censorship,” he said.


Fr Simatende added that journalists must not be suppressed or suppress themselves if total press freedom in the country’s growing media landscape is to be achieved.

“ MISA will continue pushing for press freedom and we want to call on all journalists never to give up the fight for freedom, until total freedom of the press is achieved,” he said.

Father Simatende said this during the launch of the Africa Media Barometer Report.