The National Biosafety Authority Board is a danger to the country’s food sovereignty and should be dissolved hence forth.
In a joint statement Africa Consumer Union and Zambia Consumer Association has called the have since demanded for the immediate cancelation of the permits and the dissolution of the NBA board.
despite a well-known fact that the safety of GMO’s is still a matter of contention and controversy in many parts of the world, NBA carried out a risk assessment that satisfied that the food is safe for human, animals and the environment.
NBAs decisions appear to be in the interest of global food giants and not the people of Zambia.
“NBA wants to rely on junk science which is unwise scone on all Zambians who want to maintain a GMO free society,”

“NBA wants to prioritize profits over health. We reject this. We are not guinea-pigs. We shall not eat poison,”.
The National Biosafety Authority to approve three companies to import Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)into the country. as relying on Junk science.
This is contained in a joint statement to The Independent Observer by Africa Consumer Union Vice president Muyunda Ililonga and Zambia Consumer Association executive secretary Juba sakala