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Zambia among member states attending the US flag raising ceremony at UNESCO

The Embassy of Zambia in France, was among the Permanent Delegations accredited to UNESCO who attended the United States of America flag-raising ceremony that took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on July 25,2023.

US First Lady, Dr Jill Biden graced the colourful ceremony which brought together several Member States of UNESCO.

The flag was hoisted up outside UNESCO’s headquarters in view of distinguished Permanent Delegations.

The flag raising ceremony marks the symbolic return of the US to UNESCO effective July 10, 2023 when an instrument of acceptance of the UNESCO Constitution was deposited in London in line with the United Kingdom’s status as the depository for the UNESCO Constitution.

The Zambian Mission in Paris was represented by First Secretary Political Cecilia Kangwa.

In her keynote address, Dr Biden said that the flag raising symbolises America’s restoration of leadership on the world stage and affirmed her country’s commitment to preserving cultural heritage, empowering education and science across the globe.

And UNESCO director General Audrey Azoulay stated that the return of the US to UNESCO reinforces her oganisation’s universality and boosts its legitimacy for the future.

She said the US return wil allow UNESCO to step up its efforts in strategic domains and expand their presence in field operations  ,responding to crises ,developing digital learning and skill ,promoting African heritage and history ,fighting racism ,opening up science especially to women and young people.

In June,the US announced its intention to rejoin UNESCO with a commitment  to repay estimated arrears of $619 million.

The Department of States further committed to pay its 2023 dues and $10 million in bonus contributions this year in support of UNESCO’s programming for Holocaust education, journalist safety, the preservation of cultural heritage in Ukraine, and science, technology, engineering, and math education (STEM) in Africa.

The return of the US to UNESCO brings the total number of Member States to 194.

Zambia and the US enjoys warm bilateral relations

This is contained issued by Naomi Mweemba First Secretary Press Zambian Embassy Paris.