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ZAM and ZIPAR sign MoU

The Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Executive Director Herrick Mpuku says industrialization is a path for sustainable inclusive development for Zambia.

Dr Mpuku manufacturing is well established to be an engine of growth, innovation, and employment creation.

Manufacturing slowed down in 2020 owing to negative impacts of Covid-19, to ensure recovery of the industry, there is need for evidence-based research to understand the binding constraints to manufacturing performance and industrialization,” he said.

Dr Mpuku said this during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Zambia Association of Manufactures (ZAM) in Lusaka.

And ZAM President Ezekiel Sekele said the MoU is a commitment by both institutions to partner and promote sustainable economic development.

Mr Sekele said there is need for evidence and data analysis which the partnership with ZIPAR will provide so that they can contribute effectively.