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The Independent Observer > News > ZACCI embraces call to reduce cost of doing business

ZACCI embraces call to reduce cost of doing business

By Nkuse Chela 
Zambia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) has commended the swift measures taken by Government to reducing the cost of doing business.

Government has revised various statutory fees overseen by Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) and Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA)

And ZACCI President Chabuka Kawesha has urged the business community at all levels to promote compliance, improve internal individual company governance instruments.

Mr Kawesha said ZACCI has been engaging Government through various forums and meetings to visit the regulatory arms and ensure they effectively play their role in cost reductions.

He said the engagements ZACCI continues to call on regulatory agencies to yield to the appeals of identifying regulatory hurdles and fees hindering growth of not only businesses and the industrialization drive, but causing a poor drive with feasibility studies, research and development.

“It is therefore pleasing that CCPC and PACRA have quickly demonstrated how regulatory influence can trigger increased business and industrial growth and support. We support the Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry (MCTI) efforts over this move and encourage all regulatory arms under his wing to equally spur effective and positive economic regulation trends,” he said.