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YWCA in Dukutober mood

Young Women Christian Association Zambia (YWCA) National Youth Chairperson Besa Kambafwile has implored women to join in breast cancer awareness campaign in the month of October.

Ms Kambafwile who is also YWCA Board Youth Committee Chairperson said October is considered the month of Dukus (headdress).

“October also known as ‘Dukutober’ is breast cancer awareness month. Support the Zambian Cancer Society’s Dukutober Initiative by wearing your Duku (headwrap) as a bold act of standing in solidarity with cancer patients many of whom lose their hair during chemotherapy treatment. Let’s Unite Against Cancer. Wear Your Duku For A Cause!” she posted on her Facebook profile.

And Zambian music legend, Maureen Lupo Lilanda has joined the campaign by wearing the pink duku to signal her ever supportive spirit.