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The Independent Observer > Business > Your network is your net worth

Your network is your net worth

Mizinga Melu writes;

ONE of the greatest secrets to success lies in building strong, dependable and lasting relationships. It is a proven fact that no single person can succeed alone. We all need someone in life to give us a helping hand to get to the next level.

On this journey of life, we must develop the discipline of nurturing relationships. It’s these well nurtured relationships that will eventually evolve into our networks.

One of the things I have come to discover in life is that we are a sum total of the people we have met. In the most unlikely moments and unexpectedly so, someone will remember you for the skills you possess, or the good attitude you exhibited and will most likely recommend you to someone who might be looking for what you represent as a person in totality.

We should therefore value relationships and provide a conducive atmosphere for these relationships to thrive. Here is a simple rule of thumb, treat every person who comes into your life with respect. You will never know who God will use to open your next door.

Without doubt, almost every person we meet comes into our lives for a purpose. Remember that God will always use someone to open that important door for you. Don’t abuse relationships, never take people for granted.

Appreciate those individuals that God brought into your life to help you progress to another level.


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