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WYLF begin teen pregnancy prevention

World Youth and Leadership Foundation (WYLF) will this week engage different schools, the community’s learners, parents and stakeholder to launch a teen pregnancy prevention program

The move is aimed at sensitizing teenage pupils on the effect of teenage pregnancies and early marriages as well as sexual transmitted diseases.

WYLF Director General Nalishebo Nyambe said they are also preparing to embark on a program to train about 200 teenagers in HIV/STIs prevention in each province.

“The program will also help strengthen parents and young people involvement in fight against teenage pregnancies and help them to understand the dangers of early pregnancy and its side effect on education and health of a girl Child this training will help young people to make strong decisions and become solutions to teenage pregnancy in the country,” he said

Mr Nyambe said the plan comes is as a result of the county’s alarming numbers of teenage pregnancies in places like southern and Eastern provinces

“It is very sad to see how Young people are being impregnated and left without support in our communities and this is why we want to engage parents, teenagers, communities and schools to help curb this vice and we are confident that once teenagers are involved in the fight, we shall see a reduction in teenage pregnancies early marriages and sexual transmitted diseases in Zambia,” he said