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Witness testify in Kamfisa MP’s petition

By Maimbo Mweemba
The Kitwe High Court has heard how PF Kamfinsa Member of Parliament Christopher Kang’ombe in the company of District Commissioner Chileshe Bweupe and Education Board Secretary Christopher Nyungila allegedly dished out 15,000 Kwacha and mealie-meal at a party meeting prior to the August 12, general election.

This is a matter in which UPND losing Kamfinsa Parliamentary candidate Subeta Mutelo has petitioned the election of Mr Kang’ombe as duly elected Kamfinsa MP.

Mr Kang’ombe is the first respondent and the ECZ is second.

In the ongoing trial, Mirriam Chama 28, told the court that on August 2 this year, she attended a PF party meeting chaired by Mr Kang’ombe and aspiring Kamfinsa ward councilor Joseph Katongo.

Ms Chama told the court that during the meeting, Mr Kang’ombe who was addressing the crowd told the gathering that he had something to offer them to buy water.