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The Independent Observer > Business > Why do we fight local entrepreneurs?

Why do we fight local entrepreneurs?

…why do we only respect foreign contractors and suppliers?

By Amb Emmanuel Mwamba
A local and vibrant company, owned by an enterprising young man, wins a highly competitive tender beating multinationals and big companies.

This young company has proven growing capacity by supplying vehicles and equipment to banks for lease to its clients.

It also has an impressive portfolio of real estate and business properties.

And this young company has a car wash to meet daily and urgent needs! Ask any farmer, without a poultry unit or vegetable garden or dairy cattle, the farm is dead.

For where do you get resources to meet urgent daily living expenses and incidentals while waiting for the big harvest?

Why do we fight local entrepreneurs? Why do we ridicule their enterprises and opportunities?

Why do we embarrass procurement units that take bold decisions to empower our young and local entrepreneurs?

This penchant attitude to respect foreign things and entities echa tulya!

Mulekeni na wina contract! Let’s celebrate the endeavor and not make unfounded and accusatory remarks!

Viva Zambians, Viva Local Entrepreneurs!


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