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We’ve no luxury of time to waste-Nathan Chanda

Copperbelt PF Provincial Chairperson Nathan Chanda has advised Chingola PF leaders in various structures of the party to go back to the people and begin mobilizing the grassroots because there is no luxury of time to waste.

Speaking yesterday when the PF provincial leadership met all PF structures in Chingola, Mr Chanda implored members to unity and move forward as a united front in order to be certain with victory in 2021.

He said Chingola which had bad roads has been repaired to perfection by President Edgar Lungu so that it will be easier for PF campaign in the district between now and 2021.

He advised the leaders in various structures to reconcile with those that did not make it during the intra party elections because democracy is a game of numbers.

“Let’s embrace those who wants join PF in Chingola and Copperbelt at large and keep those who lost election as well. Let’s Reconcile and Forget the past. Let’s make each one feel important and part of the bigger family PF,” he said.

Mr Chanda said Chingola has unique PF leadership structures which mainly comprise the Councillors thereby leaving no one to supervise the civic leaders and when division comes from the Chamber it is affecting the party which must be stop and move as one.

He said all the Councillors that are supposed to be supervised by the party leadership in the district are also the ones in key party positions thereby having no supervisor.

He said the MPs the Mayor, Councilors must work with the structures and should help in mobilization of the party rather than being paranoid. Campaigns have not started for those who wants to contest on PF ticket apart from the President and areas where we don’t have sitting MP, Mayors and Councillors.

Mr Chanda advised those jostling for position to give chance to those in Leadership to work freely and according to their mandate. There can only be one leader at a time.

The major complaints which consumed more time of the meeting which started in the morning were personalization of Members of Parliament, lack of fulfillment of election promises made by the Councillors, party vehicles, being used as personal cars.

Others problems were indiscipline within the party where some members were even taking to social media to insult their leaders. Lack of transparency and accountability.

Mr Chanda with the provincial leadership, were in Chingola on a fact finding mission as the party prepares for a mega Copperbelt come together rally.

He first met the Ward Leaders to openly expose bad elements choking the progress of the party, then he met Chingola and Nchanga constituencies separately, the District executive was also met before winding up with everybody in attendance.

After listening from all parties in confidence, Mr Chanda observed that there was need of following protocol in execution of duties so that the party move as one united front.

And to achieve unity he said the provincial executive would arrange orientation seminars so that members are guided on how to operate and also are need to meet their MPs with the structures.

He advised members with a tendency of intimidating others, abuse of social media to stop and instead use social media to highlight the achievements made by the PF administration not insults. Let’s improve on our communication and visitation of party structures.

He urged all party members to follow the party constitution, love and respect each other, defend and be loyal to the party, President and rally behind all elected leaders in the district and support them so that they can deliver on their promises.

And some officials talked too after the Provincial fact finding meeting said they were happy because hope had been given to them.

“The meeting has increased morale of people as well as confidence in Provincial Committee for their good leadership of listening to the lower organs. The meeting resolved most issues and the challenge is now on the local leadership to unity and implement the counsel from the Provincial Leadership without leaving anyone behind because politics is about numbers,” they said.

The meeting which started at around 9:00 hrs ended around 20:00 hrs.

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