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Westminster Abbey prays for Zambia

By Abigail Chaponda in London, United Kingdom

 As Zambia celebrated her 55th independence anniversary on Thursday, the Westminster Abbey in London prayed for the country, its leaders and that the country may continue having peace.

And Saint Ignatius Catholic Church (Zambia) Choir 11:30  Chairperson Mutale Francis Chipalo who is currently in the UK with his team to launch an album said he was delighted to have joined the Zambia High Commission and other Zambians living in the UK during the 55th Independence anniversary celebrations.

An Evensong was held at the Westminster Abbey to mark Zambia’s 55th Independence and the focus of the service was to pray for Zambia, its leaders and people.

During the intercession prayers, the church asked God to grant Zambian leaders wisdom, peace and mercy as they lead the people.

“We pray for Zambia and its leaders.  On this Independence Day, we pray for the Zambian President, God grant him wisdom. Give prosperity and integrity to the Government and its leaders as they lead the people of Zambia. As they celebrate their national day give them peace and blessings. We pray for peace in Zambia, in homes and in the hearts of Zambians. We thank God for his blessings and we pray that Zambian may have thankful hearts and walk in humility. Bless its leaders, the High Commissioner, diplomatic staff and Zambians who live here in the UK,” the church prayed.

The High Commissioner read the second lesson which came from the book of John chapter 15:16. The service was attended by Mission staff, members of the Catholic Church, Zambian Chaplaincy UK, Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Choir, Zambia and some Zambians who are based in the UK.

And Mr. Chipalo said, “Independence celebration brings about memories of joy and happiness in our lives as a generation living today. The Vicar of Westminster in his prayer for Zambia during the service held at Westminster Abbey reminded us of the abundant blessings that God has bestowed upon our leaders to achieve the much needed economic development for the Zambian people,” he said.

On Saturday 26th October, many Zambians in the UK will be holding various functions to celebrate this important day. In London, the Zambian Community is hosting a variety show with guest musicians from Zambia and the UK. The Saint Ignatius Catholic Church Choir, Zambia will be evangelising through song at the Zambia High Commission on Friday and then travel to Sheffield on Saturday 26th for a family concert.On 27th October, Zambians in Ireland will have an independence celebration at the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Naas Road Clondalkin, Dublin.


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