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The Independent Observer > News > We don’t need Sixtus, Temba to run KCM-Insiders

We don’t need Sixtus, Temba to run KCM-Insiders

Senior employees at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) say the mine does not need the expertise of Guru Geologist Sixtus Mulenga and mining mogul Gilbert Temba to make it viable and profitable.

The employees say that the mine doesn’t lack expertise and knowledge to run the mine.

“The problem has been the money. Give us the money and we will run the mine very well. We don’t need Dr Mulenga or Mr Temba. These are people who have done their part and they got their retirement and why should we continue to allow them to come and milk the same dead cow they have been milking?

“If you remember when President Michael Sata had come into power, he formed a technical committee comprising the same crop on why KCM was not profitable. The findings of that report haven’t been made public. Both Mr Temba and Dr Mulenga they are simply coming to harvest or milking the same old dead cow they been milking,” they said.

The employees complained that instead of Dr Mulenga and Mr Temba to continue in their job creation, KCM will now create employment for them to reap off the skin of the dead cow.

“We have the qualifications and knowledgeable human resource to run all the KCM business units. Both Dr Mulenga and Mr Temba served their time and we have respect for them but this is our time,” they said.


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