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The Independent Observer > Headlines > We don’t interfere in teachers’ union activities-NAQEZ

We don’t interfere in teachers’ union activities-NAQEZ

National Action for Quality Education in Zambia ( NAQEZ)says that it has never interfered in any Teacher Union activities as it is a nationally and internationally respected Civil Society Organizations.

NAQEZ Executive Director Aaron Chansa said that the organisation has been championing quality education in Zambia and cannot discuss quality education without attending to the welfare of teachers.

Mr Chansa said NAQEZ has learnt with sympathy over the popular national rejection the teacher Unions have landed themselves into.

He said that members of teacher Unions across the country are revolutionary up in arms against senior national Union leaders, demanding for accountability and good leadership.

Mr Chansa said Teachers feel poorly represented by Unions and are now demanding for Unions to begin operating within the law.

“NAQEZ remain standing and true to its mandate of promoting the welfare of Teachers and learners in Zambia.

When some of these unions abandoned teachers and went political, we remained non-partisan and spoke for the voiceless teachers and learners, NAQEZ have no plans to transform into a Union but shall remain non-partisan, consultative, accountable and very objective,” he said.

He said that instead of dragging NAQEZ in their glaring irresponsibility’s, teacher Unions can choose to introspect, find out why teachers hate them.

Mr Chansa said teachers want answers over salary scale upgrades, confirmations, decent accommodation, significant salary increments and so many other things affecting delivery of quality education in schools.