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The Independent Observer > OS > We are shocked by the harassment of Dr Sampa-PEP

We are shocked by the harassment of Dr Sampa-PEP

Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) President Sean Tembo says the party is shocked and disgusted by the continued harassment of former Resident Doctors Association of Zambia (RDAZ) President Brian Sampa by Government.

Mr Tembo said Dr Sampa was fired from the civil service for presenting the grievances of his fellow Doctors and  summoned by the Police for allegedly holding Zoom meetings.

He has reminded President Lungu that RDAZ is a bonafide institution that represents the interests of junior Doctors in Zambia since time immemorial.

“As Patriots for Economic Progress, we wish to remind President Lungu that when Zambians decided to vote for him as President in 2016, their expectation was that Mr Lungu will use his newly acquired power and authority as Republican President to assist Zambians to get out of poverty and not to harass ordinary Zambians such as Dr  Sampa, whom the President perceives as weaker than him. It is now evident to any reasonable Zambian that President Edgar Lungu has failed to use the power and authority which was bestowed on him in 2016 to assist Zambians,” he said.

Mr Tembo also said that President Lungu’s harassment of innocent Zambians such as Dr Sampa is evident to all Zambians that he lacks the humility needed in a leader to treat fellow citizens with respect and dignity.

He has called on Zambia’s to stand up, step forward and reject President Lungu for the betterment of this Country.