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The Independent Observer > OS > We aren’t tools of violence, we’re tools of national development

We aren’t tools of violence, we’re tools of national development

From the days that have gone we have talked about so many things that affect us as youths of this country but something seems to be difficult.

Our voices fall on deaf ears, we are not heard, and our positive concerns regarding the development of the country are not taken into consideration.

The youths have been put at the center of violence, we have been re-directed from the vision of the country’s founding fathers and mislead to a destination of self-distraction by selfish individuals. The youths are killing each other for money and gain of political mileage.

The leadership of this country need to realize that youths, if well invested in have the power to create great demand and supply dynamic equilibrium in different sectors of the nation’s economy and propel it to greater heights.

Zambia has more than 4.8 million youths who are intelligent and strong enough to handle the much needed work force and turn this nation into a sanctuary of wealth. Unfortunately, 90% of the youths have been neglected, and for that reason our country’s economy has been highly affected.

The greatest empowerment is not money but guidance and direction from the people we have entrusted with the power to lead this nation. We need a clear vision before money. We need our fathers, mother, and grandparents to lead the way. Show us the blue print of the Zambia we are supposed to build.

Political parties must stop taking advantage of unemployed and vulnerable youths. We are not ladders, we are pillars of the nation, stop using us and start working with us. We need to be partners in development and not in crime or political violence.

Jackson MULIKITA (MR.)
+260 977 72 5139

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