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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Water thieves anger East Water

Water thieves anger East Water

Eastern Water and Sewerage Company (EWSC) is annoyed that some people are smartly piercing the treated water pipes and draining the water into ponds.

This behaviour in turn affects the pressure and supply to the targeted community thereby making the utility firm receive the unpalatable for failing to meet customer demand.

EWSC Managing Director Lytone Kanowa is upset that some members of the community in Chama district in Muchinga had pierced the 75 millimeters pipe and drained water to their pond.

Mr Kanowa said the suspects had used a hot metal to pierce three holes under the unPlasticised  Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC ) 75mm pipe transporting treated water to drain the water into a pond.

He said, investigations were carried to ascertain the cause of low pressure to about 20 customers around FTC and Nkhanga School areas.

“One of the areas we targeted was to sample the water in the suspected pond and we discovered that it was chlorinated. Then we later saw the disguised punctures which were draining the water into the pond.

“The water was used in molding of bricks, gardening and aquaculture and was overflowing for as long as long as there was water in the supply system,” he said.

And Police in Chama have confirmed the rounding up of the farm employees at the pond but said the owner was being awaited to report himself.

EWSC is still supplying water to Chama district of Muchinga Province. This is the only district that has remained on EWSC grid.


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