A violent police officer has slayed himself in what appears as self-acquittal move after failing to meet the demands of his violent behaviour.
Charles Mukupa of Mobile Unit operational camp in Sikanze committed suicide yesterday, June 20, 2018 between 05:30 hours and 06:00 hours.
He shot himself through the mouth using an AK 47 assault rifle after failing to pay down payment of K35, 000 demanded by the police officer he assaulted.
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said Sergeant Mukupa was, before taking his life alleged to have assaulted his fellow officer also a Sergeant.
Ms Katongo said the matter was reported to Kabwata Police and he was charged with Assault.

“He had negotiated with his counterpart to have the matter settled outside court and a pacifying amount of K35, 000 was asked.
“His attempt to have a down payment paid failed the day before he committed suicide as the assaulted police officer demanded to have the money paid in full. He was discovered dead yesterday and his body was taken to Lusaka’s University Teaching Hospital (UTH) mortuary,” she said.