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Vendors, Traders and Marketers urged to remain nonpartisan

The Association of Vendors, Traders and Marketers (AVTMZ) has called on venders to be nonpartisan in all political agendas and to resist being used as tools of political violence.

Association’s General secretary Musonda Mushota said that Vendors should not be subjected to politics as they are given little amounts of money such as K10 which is not acceptable.

“The situation is pathetic and disheartening, vendors should resist being used as tools of violence by the politicians who give them little or no amount of money, Zambian is a Christian nation, therefore am calling on all vendors and marketers to preach peace and unity to others,” he said.

Mr Musonda said if politicians are to use vendors for campaign the amount of money given to them should be equal to the one they would have extracted from their daily businesses.

Mr Musonda said vendors should be treated with respect as they are not just ordinary people but are parents as well as business men and women.

“Vendors and marketers should allow others to campaign freely as Zambia is a democratic nation, politics should not be taken in markets as everyone has different political views compared, when people’s different views are acceptable results mostly fights and violence, which is uncalled for,” he said.