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The Independent Observer > News > Veep shuns Kasompe demolition victims, goes to Kabushi/Kwacha for ca

Veep shuns Kasompe demolition victims, goes to Kabushi/Kwacha for ca

Dear Editor
As Economic Front, we are extremely disappointed with the Vice President Mrs Mutale Nalumango shunning Kasompe demolition victims in Chingola when she visited the Copperbelt and opted to campaign in Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies.

It’s so shocking to see the Vice President only interested to win by Elections in Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies instead of sympathizing with Kasompe residents who have been made homeless and destitute by the UPND Government.

We expected to see the Vice President to take keen interest to visit and help Kasompe victims to rebuild their homes.

 A responsible Leader should have shown more care to the victims than seeking votes from Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies.

Since campaigns began in these two constituencies the province has seen the influx of Ministers and Government officials distributing money and food but completely ignored Kasompe victims who are in dare need of help and solidarity from the leaders.

The action taken by the Vice President simply shows this Government does not care about homeless Kasompe residents but rather they care more to win the elections.

Therefore, Kasompe victims should not expect any meaningful help to come from this Government.

Humphrey Kabwe
EF National Spokesperson