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Vedanta must go-President Lungu

President Edgar Lungu says he stands with the Zambian people and if the Copperbelt community says enough is enough with Vedanta Mineral Resources then he is game.

The President said that Zambians have been taken for a ride by the mining companies.

Mr Lungu said Zambia has the best mines but every time it is stories of them making loses.

“For how long, why they are still here if they are making loses. The people have cried that they have suffered because of these mines they feel cheated by the mines especially Konkola Copper Mines under Vedanta and Mopani to some extent.

“We know them they are lies and cheaters taking us for fools. We cannot allow that, those who want to work with us must follow our rules and return the investment back to the country after they get their profit. Our suppliers are not been paid our workers are suffering, just because we have added sales tax they want to say the worker will suffer, sales tax is here to stay,” he said.

The President said there is an engagement and disengagement in every relationship even in marriage when things are hard you just have to agree to end it.

Mr Lungu said KCM has taken Zambian money so they will be asked on how the marriage will be terminated.

He said people are willing to invest in the mines immediately KCM is kicked out and others will come and invest.

The President said there is law in this country the Attorney General is here to direct us on how we are going to carry out this divorce.

“KCM was bought for US$ 25 million and we paid for it ourselves our own copper paid for it and they have done nothing about it since then but promises and promises since. I know the opposition would be saying we are scaring investors we are not scaring any investor the Zambian government will still provide a conducive environment for investors.

“Am not scared if you want those people to go they will go. The most important thing is that we follow the right procedure so that no scrupulous people would lie that Zambia is not a good investment destination we will follow the true process,” he said.

Mr Lungu said Zambia is sovereign state and decision to run the affairs of this county will be done by this nation not to be blackmailed by the investors.

He said those not comfortable to stay in Zambia should go.


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