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UTH Neurosurgeons remove brain tumor

Dr. Kachinga Sichizya writes:


A team of Neurosurgeons and ENT surgeons combined efforts to successfully remove a tumor from The middle of the brain through the nose, a complex operation called Transnasal Trans-sphenoidal approach. The operation which began at 1400hrs only ended at 2130hrs.

This marks the FIRST time that this operation has been conducted by a group made purely of indigenous Zambian surgeons. We celebrate this victory. The patient has woken up and is stable.

I am excited at this new development. Many patients are on the waiting list for this operation while a luck few have gone to India for surgery. That is going to be history now. We are thankful to our friend Patrick Cameron for buying this equipment which is going to impact many lives.

Congratulations to all who participated in the operation, including Dr Harrison Phiri, Dr Brian Mwila and Dr Peter Mushenya and Mildred Nakazwe-Chila, Dr Nashati and sister Chileshe, Charity, ba Mariya and Amon Silomba.

Glory to God

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