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US State Department stands by Foote

The United State Government has reiterated its early stance that it stands with its Zambian High Commissioner Daniel Foote.

The US State Department has put it clear that is not happy with the way the Zambian government is treating its envoy Mr Foote.

The State Department has told The Independent Observer in a press query that it is dismayed by the Zambian failure to understand that US State stands with Mr Foote.

“We are dismayed by the Zambian government’s statement that Ambassador Foote’s position “is no longer tenable,” which we consider to be the equivalent of a declaration that the Ambassador is Persona Non Grata. Despite this action, the United States remains committed to our partnership with the Zambian people. We seek an open and frank relationship of mutual respect, commensurate with the generous aid provided to the Zambian people by the United States.

“The Department of State works tirelessly to protect and promote the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all human beings around the world, regardless of gender, religious belief, national origin, sexual orientation, or economic circumstance. The United States firmly opposes abuses against LGBTI persons. Governments have an obligation to ensure that all people can freely enjoy the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms to which they are entitled.

“As Secretary Pompeo said in September 2019, “Unalienable rights are at the core of who we are as Americans. We abhor violations of these rights, whenever and wherever they are encountered,” read the statement in full.






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