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The Independent Observer > News > UPND to Harmonize salaries and other condition of services for Police officers

UPND to Harmonize salaries and other condition of services for Police officers

United Party for National Development ‘UPND’ President Hakainde Hichilema says his administration remains committed to harmonizing the pay and other conditions of service for the police officers

Mr Hichilema said that in   line with other services, will make sure that he improves the condition of services for the officers.

“We remain concerned that despite numerous promises made to the police by the PF government, members of the police service remain underpaid and poorly rewarded, with no risk allowance attached to the important work they do.

In this regard, we wish to reaffirm our commitment to put all police officers on a risk allowance, in recognition of the sacrifice they continue to give to the service of our country and our people,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said the UPND is working on a home ownership housing scheme which will allow police officers and other service personal to own their own homes ahead of retirement.

Mr Hichilema has urged the Zambians to vote wisely on August 12 general elections for the betterment of this Country.

This is contained in a statement issued by Anthony Bwalya UPND Presidential Spokesperson.