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UPND in Ndola refutes causing Banda’s death

Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Ndola spokesperson David Zimba says that the party has nothing to do with the death of James Jimmy Banda, who is said to have lost his life in Ndola Teaching hospital a few days ago.

Mr Zimba says this is contrary to reports by both the Police and the PF that Mr Banda was stabbed in Twapia by UPND cadres.

“That person was stabbed in Kanini ward and not Twapia and the killing of Jimmy has nothing to do with the road show that was carried by the UPND on Saturday in the area, and Mr Banda was actually a trustee and an official UPND member within Kanini ward, contrary to what the PF are claiming that he was their member which is far from the truth,” he said.

Mr Zimba said it’s unfortunate that the police are seemingly no able to investigate before they conclude on the matter.

“The police have believed Mr Banda was killed during our road show which was in Twapia and that he was a PF member, claims which are false, when in the actual sense he was killed in Kanini with no connection to the road show and his death has nothing to do with political activities,” he said.

Mr Zimba said that Mr Banda was involved in a normal fight that can be picked by any individual which led to him being stabbed by his colleague.

“The incident that took Jimmy’s life happened at a tavern in Sekela of Kanini ward and not at the roadshow and not even on the same day the roadshow was happening, Jimmy was killed on Sunday when we did not have any roadshows in Ndola” he said.

Mr Zimba has since urged the police in Ndola to investigate thoroughly before and provide the general public with the right information.