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UPND concerned with PF lies

United Party for  National Development ( UPND)  is concerned  with the way  the PF has  continued politicking the Mulungushi Textiles and other flagship industries around the country everytime there is a general election.

UPND Presidential Spokesperson Anthony Bwalya said  the culture of lies by the current regime to make uncoordinated public policy pronouncements  are never backed up by actual  logical implementation plans.

“Citizens are reminded that at the height of the 2016 general election, the PF had lied to the people of Kabwe that Mulungushi Textiles had been reopened following a $15m recapitalization injection. However, this money was never made available to this project while the PF prioritized their election campaigns,” he said.

Mr Bwalya  said the  UPND administration is committed to the reopening of Mulungushi Textiles once elected .

He said  the recapitalization program will be expected to cost close to double the initial recapitalization amount because of the failure by the PF government to manage the falling Kwacha against the US Dollar and other convertible currencies.

Mr Bwalya has  urge Zambians to stand with them  as they  aim to give and transfer economic power back to the people by reinvesting in a robust local industrialization program.

He said that will help create for more jobs, better incomes and food on the table for all Zambians.

This is  contained in a the statement issued by UPND Presidential Spokesperson Anthony Bwalya.