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UPND Chingola Chairperson Highlights Achievements in Three-Year Tenure

United Party for National Development (UPND) Chingola District Chairperson, Scrivener Bwalya, has stated that his party’s three years in power have been marked by significant achievements.

Mr. Bwalya highlighted that UPND has accomplished much in its three-year tenure and anticipates further successes in the remaining two years. He acknowledged that while some may politicize various issues regarding these achievements, the Party remains steadfast and prepared for another term.

He emphasized that his Government has eradicated caderism, implemented free education, and introduced the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in communities. He noted that Chingola District has benefited from the national agenda, with numerous notable projects being carried out through the CDF.

The Chairperson affirmed that the Government is on track, having delivered on its promises and continuing to do so.