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Update stakeholders on $2.2m for NAP Process- CEJ

By Staff Writer
Centre for Environment Justice- CEJ has urged Government to update stakeholders on the current status of the National Adaptation Plan- NAP process.

CEJ Head of Programmes Ricky Kalaluka said CEJ is aware that the Zambian Government secured US$2.2 million grant from the Green Climate Fund’s -GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme in April 2020.

Mr Kalaluka said the money was to support development of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

He said the Government initiated the process in March 2021 and is working towards finalizing the plan in the first quarter of 2023.

Mr Kalaluka also said that the NAP process will guide the Zambian Government in taking action against the current and forecast negative impacts of climate change on the country’s economy, environment, and society.

“The National Policy on Climate Change provides for comprehensive national-level coordinating arrangements for climate change,” the CEJ Head of Programmes said.

He said there were gaps in terms of cross-sectorial linkages and processes related to national adaptation planning.

“CEJ therefore calls for government to engage with CSOs and other stakeholders to provide input into the NAP process so that there is clarity about how adaptation will be coordinated at subnational levels, such as provinces, districts and wards in the new dawn administration,” he said.