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Unread community is easily misled-Chililabombwe Mayor

Chililabombwe Mayor Christabel Mulala has called on teachers to build up a reading culture in the children because unread community is easily misled.

Ms Mulala said that information is the basis on which to make decisions hence creating a reading culture must be a way of life.

She said people should read to become better as government is making efforts to ensure people have adequate access to information at national and personal level.

Ms Mulala She said this at the launch of the Local Content for African libraries and E-Readers project at Lubengele Library Grounds.

She said children should be able to read and remember the books that they have read.

Ms Mulala said the local authority in the bid to improve the quality of life for children has wavered library fees for children so that it accessible.

The Mayor has urged librarian to revamp the reading culture and be part of the change drivers by recruiting more children and organize outreach programs for children to become regular users of the library.

“It is also exciting to note that the long term goal for this local project is to help libraries play an active role in creating and supporting the reading culture serving as agents of change and centers for development and literacy. The launch today is one of the activities  singled out for implementing the local content African libraries project a collaborative project programme between world reader the African Library And Information Association And Institution (AFLIA) and the Library And Information Association  Of Zambia (LIAZ)  funded by bill gates foundation,” she said.

LIAZ president Charles Banda said that the use of electronic readers in Libraries would boost the motivation and interest of children and improve literacy levels of children.

Mr Banda said LIAZ Is committed to creating an environment where libraries and librarians have resources to help them provide access to information and improving the reading culture.

Acting Town Clerk Eugenia Shadunka said that the local Authority has recognized a good reading culture should be established at childhood level.

Since the introduction of E-reader gadgets the Council library has seen the number of readers increase to more than 200.

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