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Union politics rock Luanshya Mine

By Staff Writer
CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines (LCM) is faced with union politics which in the large extent will directly affect production at the mine.

The situation is stifled and the James Chansa led National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) seems to be rocked by political storm.

Already State House has led it bare that Mr Chansa’s deputy Adam Zulu is heard in the audio receiving instructions to execute a xenophobic attack on the owners of the mine.

No one may know how the relationship is between Mr Chansa and Mr Zulu but the truth is that union politics is slowly sopping into production.

Slowly there seem to be stage managed union politics where Mr Chansa and Mr Zulu have scores to settle.

There is a possibility that Mr Chansa is trying to protect the integrity of NUMAW by dribbling the automatic incoming NUMAW President Mr Zulu.

Mr Chansa has served his two terms and it’s time to pack and go but he is reported to be uncomfortable to the reigns with Mr Zulu who is reported to have clandestine activities among them direct link to politics with a named Luanshya politician.

There is now an industrial dispute looming at the mine between management and unions.

LCM management had offered 6% as the final offer for the salary increment but unions faced the insurmountable challenge of relaying the same message to the employees.

The few brave union leaders who had attempted to undertake this mission were almost stoned by the irate employees who felt mocked.

The employees feel their union leaders were like bulldogs waging tails and failing to represent the employees well.

In order to show that they have teeth, the union leaders are on the verge of declaring an official industrial dispute.

The Muliashi Open Pit Mine employees almost stoned their union leaders after feeling ridiculed by the 6% salary increment after four years of flat salaries.

The named leaders told The Independent Observer that their last salary increment was in 2013.

“Since that time the economic situation in Zambia has really gone bad barely living by a $1 per day. We have since agreed to take the matter to court. A dispute must be declared and follow the necessary process till court,” they said.

But CNMC-LCM Company Spokesperson Sydney Chileya said management had made an offer and the union leaders must rely the information to the employees.

However, Mr Chileya clarified that the last increment was made in 2016 and not in 2013 as indicated by some union leaders.

He said the mine was running an open door policy and every employee was aware of the current economic hurdles the mining firm was facing.

“We would like every employee and the key stakeholders to know that management is looking at a larger picture of reopening the Baluba Mine which was put under care and maintenance,” he said.

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