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The Independent Observer > debra richie > Ugly side of the Law: Jerabos’ days of verdict dawns

Ugly side of the Law: Jerabos’ days of verdict dawns

There has been much talk of jerabos terrorizing the communities on the Copperbelt especially in Kitwe and Chingola, reaching to the extent of mocking law enforcement agencies such as police.

Cops were accused of joining hands with these copper thieves to fatten their pockets.

But there is sudden will to sweep all gangs by Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga and the major target is that of jerabos.

We had reports of some jerabos using charm to elude the police and gun bullets which to some extent was glaring true.

The good news is that with charm or not there is an ugly side of Law when one comes in conflict with it.

The perfect example is how suddenly police have risen to sanitize the province from silly gangs such as Tokota Boys, Zare (100s) and Jerabos under Victor Phiri popularly known as C4.

When Tokoto Boys were brought before court in Kitwe, though everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the suspects, there was aspect which the-would be offenders must have paid attention to

The suspects were made to frog jump to the police van and any unruly element was met with the equal force from the police.

The 100s, has had two of the gang members caged for four years.

Then in Chingola, leader of Russian Soldiers Kabaso Mulenga popularly known as Spax was arrested for assault.

One would just conclude that after seeing the ugly side of the law Spax succumbed and finger pointed the man behind every unthinkable. That name was C4.

C4 has been Spax’s handyman and when did they go separate ways? This is a jigsaw for investigative agencies.

C4 was then fished out from Lusaka where he had gone hiding.

Ever since his arrest C4 slept in chains with hands at the back and legs in chains to prevent him from the myth that he would disappear when he touches his private parts.

The beef is not about the chains but the ugly face of the law when days of reckoning have dawned.

The suspect could not even be unchained inside the dock when he appeared for mention not until he was handed over to Chingola Correctional Facility.

Who knew the elusive and powerful C4 would be grounded to C zero?

Other boys involved in such activities must know that nine days belong to the thief but the 10th belongs either to the owner or the cop and the consequences are grave.

The Police have shown will to end gangs. We just ask them to go further and sweep all the known witchdoctors empowering the boys with charm to elude cops and beat others.

We now need political will. Here there is still a big problem with Government, the President and his Members of Parliament.

In short, there is no political will by our elected leaders to end gangsterism. The President as a public officer and his subordinates must care about perception.

How will the police see it when he is seen posing with jerabos?
What will the community conclude when MPs use jerabos as their security personnel?

The President and his MPs must help the police to sanitize communities.

If politicians continue to use jerabos as political tools for campaigns, violence and intimidation of other political players, we should know that the work of the police will be simply an academic exercise.

Who knows, the President may give special Presidential Amnesty after all he only signs on the list handed over to him without seeing names.

If you think you are using jerabos for mileage, you need to rethink who is cleverer between them and you. Who is benefiting more between jerabos and politicians?

They dirten you as they gain financially. Using a jerabo is as good as walking in the heavy down pour and expect to come out dry.

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