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The Independent Observer > OS > U-turn on masking charges ill-timed

U-turn on masking charges ill-timed

Dear Editor
The announcement by the Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo not to charge offenders who do not wear face masks is ill timed.

Firstly the charge of K750 was very high for ordinary Zambians, Government should have come up with a reasonable amount but not completely remove it.

Government should have at-least put up something to ensure that police don’t abuse it as the started to.

The pronouncement of not punishing offenders will escalate the cases of Covid-19 because some citizens will take it casually and deliberately will not wear the mask because no one will punish them.

Government cannot give the task of educating the public on Covid-19 and the importance of wearing a mask to the Police service.

They should come up with another organisation which should employee the unemployed youths to sensitize the people.

This is not a relief but a mistake because the number of Covid-19 cases is rising up every day and it has touched all provinces in Zambia.

Let us put our hands together and help Government in the fight against this ugly pandemic. We need to put our heads together and come up with a tangible solution.

Education is very important especially to those who are still in negativity and claim that Covid-19 is an hoax. This pandemic is real and needs to be fought and eradicated by all Zambians.
S.B Kalaba
Political Analyst

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