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Turkish companies interested in funding capital projects

Two Turkish companies have expressed interest to provide funding of US$70 billion to finance capital projects in Zambia.

The Two companies are under the umbrella of the Industrialist Business Women and Businessmen Confederation (SANKON). This project is under the Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) and Public Private Partnership (PPP) policy framework.

SANKON General President Nezaket Emine Atasoy said the two companies, Atasoylar and JS Neoplant were interested to undertake infrastructure development projects in Zambia to construct airports, power generation plants, health facilities, and roads, among others.

Ms Atasoy made the pronouncement at the Zambian Chancery in Ankara yesterday when she paid a courtesy call on Zambia’s Ambassador to the R Republic of Turkey, Joseph Chilengi.

She also said SANKON was determined to co-operate with Zambia to help strengthen relations with Turkey.

Ms Atasoy also said SANKON was interested to visit Zambia next month to explore business opportunities and later host the Zambia-Turkey Business Forum in  Ankara.

And Ambassador Chilengi said PPPs are important because they create opportunities for investment in infrastructure development and stimulate economic growth.

He said Government under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu desires to use the PPP arrangement to deliver modern public infrastructure and quality services to the citizen.

Ambassador Chilengi noted Zambia faces budgetary constraints which have made maintenance and provision of new infrastructure a challenge.

He however, said PPPs and BOTs could play a role in mitigating the funding requirements.

Ambassador Chilengi pledged the Mission’s support to ensure that SANKON’s proposal to fund infrastructure development projects in Zambia is expedited, including the hosting of the Zambia-Turkey Business Forum.

This is contained in a statement to The Independent Observer issued by First Secretary (Press) Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, Ankara, Turkey Jerry Munthali

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