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TSC Chairperson and DEC boss applauded

The Non-Governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has congratulated Daphne Chimuka and Mary Chirwa on their appointments as Chairperson for the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) and Director General of the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) .

NGOCC Executive Director Engwase Mwale said that the women’s movement has no doubt that the two women will provide the necessary strategic Leadership to their organisations given their vast experience and skills.

“As an active member of the women’s movement, Ms Chimuka is a passionate educationalist and a champion of gender equality with impeccable experience on issues of young women and girls,” she said.

Ms Chimuka is a former Executive Director of the Forum for African Women Educationalists of Zambia (FAWEZA), one of the affiliate members of NGOCC.

“NGOCC also salutes Ms Chirwa for her admirable and courageous leadership during her tenure as Director General of the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC). We are aware that she stood her ground and exhibited her institutional prowess to the nation at a very difficult time,” she said.

Ms Mwale also praised Ms Chirwa for her distinguished Leadership style.

She said they have no doubt that this appointment will add value to the work of curbing money laundering, drug related crimes and ultimately the fight against corruption