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The Independent Observer > News > Trigger-happy cop shoots girlfriend, father-in-law, himself

Trigger-happy cop shoots girlfriend, father-in-law, himself

A trigger happy Police Officer in Mongu has shot himself in the head after shooting his girlfriend and his father-in-law.

Constable Gift Chama 24, sneaked out on duty with a loaded AK47 assault rifle just to go and exert pain on his girlfriend Namakau Muhongo 24.

However the situation turned nasty as Chama went wild shooting anyone who stood in his way.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said Chama committed suicide by shoot himself in the head with an AK47 rifle after shooting Ms Muhongo in the head.

He later shot Stanley Muhongo 75, in the abdomen and both legs.

Mr Muhongo is the father to Ms Muhongo who wanted to pacify the situation.

Ms Katongo said both victims are in critical condition and are admitted to Lewanika General Hospital.

She said the incident occurred today February 22, 2021 around 09:00 hours in Milambwa Township at the house of Mr Muhongo.

She said the motive behind the shooting is not yet established.