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Treasury releases K1.284 billion for Farmers and Public Schools

By Staff Writer 
The Treasury has released K1.284 billion of which K324 million is the 2022 first quarter operational support fund for public schools.

And K960 million is for outstanding payments to farmers under the 2020/2021 farming season.

Ministry Of Finance and National Planning Secretary to the Treasury Felix Nkulukusa said this is aimed at facilitating the implementation of free education for all learners at early childhood, primary and secondary education levels.

“As Treasury, we can confidently say, with the release of the latter (K324 million), concrete steps towards free education  aimed at abolishing tuition, Parent Teachers Association, and examination fees that learners used to pay in public schools, are now in motion,”  he said.

Mr Nkulukusa said the Minister of Finance and National Planning during the presentation of the 2022 National Budget, the fees charged at public early childhood and secondary schools for a child to be allowed to attend class have been done away.

He said to this end, grants from the Government to public schools have been increased to meet the operational costs that were previously financed by the abolished fees.

Mr Nkulukusa said the funds will be paid directly to the bank account of each individual school, country-wide, to ensure that proper operational arrangements are made before the opening of schools for the first term of 2022.

He said Bursaries for vulnerable leaners will be allocated through the Constituency Development Fund which will also be released as soon as the guidelines are completed and approved by relevant authorities.

“We take this opportunity to state that the Treasury has also commenced capacity building programmes on public resource management. The first target are the teaching staff, country-wide, who are being oriented on the handling of the operational support fund for public schools, to ensure that there is prudence in the management of the increased resources,” he said.

“Concerning the funds for farmers, we urge the competent authority in charge to ensure that a fair and transparent payment system is deployed so that the hardships experienced by our farmers due to delayed payments, are not prolonged.